Today was very brisk and cold. As I drove from Salem to Hometown, I saw the clouds heavy, heavy, heavy with snow. I wanted to stop and take pictures of the watertower behind the vo-tech school because the dark clouds made the light blue of the tower stand out for perhaps the first time ever. I didn't even know the vo-tech had a water tower until today.
In other news, they ruled out the possibility that I have some sort of weirdness in my lungs by doing a CT Scan on me today at the hospital. Glad that I don't have a pulmonary embolism. Sux that I'm going to have a huge bill to pay. The medical system in this country is so fucked up. (Things to look forward to, Tiara, when you come back to the U.S.--horrible health care and tremendous bills for even the smallest things. I'm so sorry you're coming back to this Darwinian Mess of a Health Care System before we managed to figure out how to get everyone equal coverage under the law. Nonetheless, welcome back!!!)
Now, I just need to get my breathing under control. I've been really short of breath lately. I wonder if I have asthma?
Sorry for the rambly. Not feeling all that great these days.
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Glad you don't have a pulmonary embolism! The bills from that will suck big time. Health care in the US--MEH! I'm not looking forward to it at all. :-(
As for that shortness of breath-- adult onset asthma driven by allergies is unfortunately on the rise in countries like the US and NZ. Also though, things like iron deficiency anemia can cause shortness of breath as well as fatigue and such, so that might be good to look into. I hope you feel better soon!
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