I love December. Why? Because of the birth of ME! My birthday is sometime around mid-month, and this year I've got some stuff on my mind because it will be what some in the blogosphere have called "The Jesus Year": I'm turning 33.
It's not what you think.
The Jesus Year, as I understand it, is a time to reflect on your accomplishments, see what you've done with your life so far, and think about what you want to do with the rest of it. It's a time to be grateful, NOT a time to contemplate horrible death, NOT a time to get religion.
It could be that I'm interpreting this all wrong, but I like my way of seeing the Jesus Year. And so I'll just keep thinking that's what it is until somebody tells me differently... and then I'll still think of it the way I do!
I won't list my accomplishments until I get to my actual birthday, and then I'll post one accomplishment per post for the rest of the year so that I can really see what I've done so far.
Obviously, NaNoWriMo won't be on that list of accomplishments.
But there's always NEXT YEAR!!!
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
Don't you know what day your birthday is on? Are we to guess?
; D
I like your version of the Jesus year.
A Jesus year? Hmmm... Let's hope yours is much better than his was. ;-P
Oh, and to ensure I get this in before the vague mid-month day--HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you live to see many more.
Happy almost birthday!! Don't forget coming up with K Boxing as one of your accomplishments. To this day, I think about the servers of scones and lemonade and laugh out loud!!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes!!!! I am excited about my Jesus Year, but I am most excited about my growing circle of friends in the blogosphere. Thanks for reading!
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