Leaving tomorrow... well, today, actually, for a trip to the SouthLand to see a friend or two. Could be interesting. One is a former, shall we say, fling. The other I met in Germany in one of my many travels hither and yon.
The Fling, well, he's all married w/ kids now, and I have the feeling I make him distinctly uncomfortable, mostly due to some of the choices I've made in my life... some of which have landed me back here.
But I'll be on a plane in a few hours (in First Class, I might add) because I used my many, many Frequent Flier Miles to upgrade. Woo. And Hoo. Can't wait to see if they actually still serve *food* in First Class. God knows they don't in Coach.
I'll try to keep up with posting while I'm there, but I may just end up failing NaBloPoMo for November because of this trip.
Wish me luck! I really don't want to fail!
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Have a safe flight and a great visit! For some reason I get sadistic pleasure out of watching people squirm because they don't know how to relate to me anymore.
Oh, I know why! Most of them are conservatives. LOL
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