I haven't posted in a while, sorry. I decided to give up both on NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo at the same time.
Not that I've *really* given up on NaNoWriMo... just the principle of it. I'm here to write a novel, yes, and this got me jump-started, hurrah, but there's something that's just too too too neurotic about NaNoWriMo.
And I don't play well with others. I kept trying to stir things up in the forums and getting nothing back, which led to great frustration and the realization that the maxim "Everyone has a book in them" is really utter bullshit.
Maybe everyone *does* have a book in them. That doesn't mean they should necessarily write it.
But kudos to all WriMos for trying, including myself. Who knows if this book is any good or not. Who really cares.
I'm feeling a bit nihilist tonight. Winter is here and I've got my doldrums on.
There was snow the other day, just enough to make things pretty.
It's very cold in the apartment...
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
Sounds like you've made a grand realization and I'm happy for you!
Are you still writing though? And hows it coming?
"Maybe everyone *does* have a book in them. That doesn't mean they should necessarily write it."
That made me laugh, more than just a little!
Winter can be so meh on grey days and the lack of sunlight does not do kind things to the moods of some (which is why I don't want to move to Boston!). But sometimes grand writing comes out of such moods...
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