The goal is: 10,000 words this weekend. 10,000!!!!
So I'm hunkering down to work on getting to 15K total words by 11:59 p.m. Sunday night.
I'm still getting settled in, and am using NaBloPoMo as a warm-up in a way... Good on NaBloPoMo.
Week One was both elation: (Obama!!!) and disappointment (Prop 8). Writing-wise it was both elation: (I'm finally doing this!!!!) and disappointment (I've been so caught up in the election that I've only got 5,000 words!!! D'oh!!!)
I'm very excited because I'm starting to feel like I'm defining my style a bit, and realizing that I don't need to be consistent in this draft, that I just need to try new stuff. (Or at least, new to me. Probably not so new to Virgina Woolf. Not that I'm comparing myself to her. But I *am* imitating her.)
This is just great. But from what I understand, Week 2 is known as "The Sophomore Slump" and considering how much trouble I had with Week 1, I am very nervous about Week 2.
It seems, though, if I can meet the Word War challenge, I might be well on my way...
Will keep you posted.
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
You go DinerGirl, you can do it!!
I've gotten behind myself, but I'm trying to make up for it, bit by bit.
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