Been a little off-balance lately, not good. Taking on too many projects... my participation in this NaBloPoMo thing is probably due to things being a bit off-kilter. Too much energy, probably just a cyclothymic thing. I'm feeling better, although now I'm finding it hard to motivate for NaNoWriMo. When I'm off-balance I am (somewhat paradoxically) super-productive. I'm also super-irritable, as the email to my HS friends displays...
...but with regard to that, my goodness! Some people have responded to me telling me to just chill, and some people have responded with "It-wasn't-about-YOU" logic, which is in essence... telling me to just chill. Which actually has succeeded in pissing me off even more.
Can't win with Off-Kilter Girl, it seems.
Even-Keel Girl, however, now she is not rattled by stuff like this.
I still think I did the right thing by sending the email, even if it was generally dismissed by my friends. My evil exbf from North Jersey who hates my HS friends with the fire of a thousand suns even told me to back off. "Take it easy on your friends," he said. "They're just kidding around!" And then he added as a p.s. "Besides, nobody's ever moved to Canada based on an election!"
Well, I just might! I think Canada would be good for me.
As it's shaping up, this place might not be...
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
I get those kind of comments when I get really passionate about something and finally tell people what I really think after biting my tongue for weeks on end. I hate it! To me it's like they are saying "Oh boy, there you go getting all serious and dramatic! Stop worrying so much about things, laugh, play, be happy, have a drink, don't be so uptight."
I find those comments often come from people who don't know what it's like to panic over no health insurance, who haven't worked 2 jobs on minimum wage just to pay the bills, who don't have health issues that cause you to face your own mortality, who don't know the sting of prejudice or racism, and have never stepped outside their own comfort zone and into the worn shoes of another person.
Oh, and people HAVE moved because of an election, and if this one goes to hell, here's one girl that may be headed for the border as well!
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