I know that was a cheap post that I "wrote" last night about Stouffer's Mac n Cheese, but I had to post *something*, and I was not digging the blog vibe yesterday... I had a bad taste in my mouth after thinking more about memoir, which made me feel like more of a narcissist than I really am. But I am a Writer Chick, and that lends me to being a little more self-involved on the whole... And thus the reticence with the blogging.
That and the utter appreciation of Stouffer's Mac n Cheese.
So, I looked at the map at www.electoral-vote.com and was dismayed to notice that overnight, NC had swayed into Barely Republican territory, and Missouri went from Barely Dem to Exactly Tied. I don't know what caused the shift, but it's scaring me a little. Something must've happened in the news that I'm not aware of, since I'm boycotting TV.
"McCain needs a game-changer." "McCain has to stop the hemmorrhaging of his campaign." Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that he's doing it? That somehow he's finding a way to play dirty pool and shift things in his direction? Is it the Ayers thing? Is it the low-down-dirty pool he's playing? I've never seen a nastier campaign. Please don't let McCain swift-boat Obama!
I had a dream Obama won, and there was such joy in me that I was virtually bursting at the seams.
I hope it's a premonition.
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
I think every NaBloPoMo is guilty of cop-out posts! At least yours was in appreciation of cheesy goodness! I miss good mac and cheese, the Kiwi version of it is rather lacking.
I think the BS slime campaign of the past week has caused some shifts, as well as the last debate. Such is the last month before an election. I wish more people would boycott TV!
Every time I start worrying over the election I picture Obama being sworn into office in January. Guess I'm trying to will it into being with my positive thinking. LOL
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