OK, since I can't make a decision about whether or not to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) I hereby allow *you all* to make the decision for me. Because I'm a push-over. So, vote here for DinerGirl's NaNoWriMo, and I'll let you know what the verdict is on October 31. Vote early and often by leaving a comment below!
you should totally do nanowrimo! i am doing it too and am desparately looking for people to do it with. even if they are miles away.
hope to see you there!
I think there's no harm in giving it an honest go. If you make it, YAY! If you don't, well, you tried, and you're bound to end the month with more written than you have now, so looking at it that way it's win-win!
That's the optimist in me speaking of course, she's smothering the pessimist in me as I type. ;-P
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