I'm giving in: I am a chronic insomniac. No sense fighting it. Up all night, getting lots of work done, none of it writing... mostly just plowing around looking through job ads and craigslist.org hoping for a lead in the writing/publishing arena. But this is South Jersey, so that's pretty scarce. Doing some freelance work in the meantime and plowing through that as best I can.
I'm starting to have dreams--hell, sometimes they're nightmares--about the election. Not just about Obama vs. McCain, but also about my friends in CA who are going to have to deal with the outcome on Prop 8, which would amend the constitution so as to ban same-sex marriage. Having a lot of friends to whom this would matter greatly, I am worried. But anyway.
Back to my insomnia: I don't know which I prefer--late night productivity or restless, nightmare-laden sleep.
Too much anxiety these days, way too much, in spite of having tied up a few loose ends that were bugging me.
As for the situation with the exbf, I found out through the grapevine that he is married now. Married! That puts him strictly off limits. Yes, strictly off limits. Sad. I really miss him. G. always made me laugh, and I could use some laughter these days, and not at the expense of Sarah Palin, although that kind of laughter is very very satisfying.
I know someone who is straight as an arrow but has a girl-crush on Tina Fey. God bless Tina Fey for lightening up this election season... although her imitation of S.P. has a way of drawing attention to the fact that she is totally unqualified for the post. She makes Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar.
How I miss Bill Clinton.
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Hah! Well then, that takes care of that damn it! I love friends that can make me laugh even when everything seems shitty.
I surrender to the insomnia at times and get tons of stuff done! But I find that the odd hours start to take their toll after a while, and crazy dreams don't help improve the problem that's for sure!
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