I'll leave behind my little travelogue for a minute just to say that Not Losing is Not Winning either. The fact that the media is giving Sarah Palin an enormous pat on the back for jumping over a bar set 3" above the ground is appalling to me. She didn't win. She lost. Plain and simple.
"Well, she didn't really answer the questions posed by the moderator, but she was snappy!"
"She brought that down-home feel to the debates."
What?? Again, WHAT?
Isn't the point of a debate to answer the questions? And do we really, do we really, want someone "just like us" in the White House? Methinks, we've already had that. It didn't work out so well.
So, all this b.s. about how Palin won simply by exceeding the expectations set for her is just pure garbage.
Joe Biden won, plain and simple...
In other news, I decided to "watch" the debate last night via Twitter commentary, now that I finally have wireless in my sad little apartmen on Bad Rep Street. I later watched commentary and saw snippets here and there, watching some downloads on my computer. Did she really say Senator O'Biden? Did she also really say, "John McCain is the person we need to leave, uh... I mean lead."
Some guy on PBS said that Sarah Palin stanched the flow of the hemmorrhaging McCain campaign, but I doubt it.
Back to Twitter. Second-hand commentary is so much more illuminating, especially when it comes from the technocracy rather than the theocracy.
You don't think we have a theocracy in America?
Think again.
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
5 weeks ago
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