Friday, October 31, 2008
And So It Is.
What a month!
I'd like to say that I'm going to do NaBloPoMo again this month, but I'm going to be dedicating my attentions to NaNoWriMo -- woo-hoo!
This month has been great, I've enjoyed every post.
Thanks to those who read, those who didn't read, and good luck to those who plan on doing it next month! Viva NaBloPoMo!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A lo lejos...
It's made me reflect, though, on my experience of the 2000 election, when I was in Spain, and having to explain to people every day about the Electoral College and, later, what the HELL was going on in Florida...
... but this was before YouTube, and even Teh Interwebs were in their adolescent stages of development.
The day of the election, I took myself to a little Internet Cafe and tried to get on to get any sort of information that wasn't from the International Herald Tribune. There were, apparently, so many hits on the site that it had slowed to a crawl and there was simply no getting on.
So I resorted to Radio Nacional de EspaƱa and listened to what was happening the night of, which was the morning of the day after for me. I woke up at about 6 a.m., knowing that the polls had closed, and heard the official result... Bush had won with 271 electoral votes.
I don't remember, prior to my existence on that day, ever knowing that 270 votes were needed to win the presidency. But I won't ever forget it now.
Bush won, and we all know the rest of that story.
I sneaked over to my American friends' apartment across the patio and attempted to stick a little note in their reja with the news. At that moment J. came out and I handed him the paper that said "Bush won. 271 votes." He looked at me, his liberal Oregonian face semi-shell-shocked. Slowly put down the paper and said "What does this mean?" I just shook my head and shrugged.
And then the Florida thing happened and there was, for a minute, hope.
But honestly, the 2000 election, being as far away as I was, never fully registered with me. Only now, after 8 years of That Man do I realize how much was at stake.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I've Got Mail!
It's finally dawning on me what it is I'm about to do and I'm so excited.
I've been reading books on intensive novel-writing constantly and I'm thinking this is going to be a pretty incredible month!
Anyway, I'm off to plot my novel some more, using my only-partially-lame writing software. It actually has helped me quite a bit.
Sorry so short today. More later.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Reading My Way to NaNoWriMo: Henry Miller
One time I was talking to an acquaintance about our favorite American authors, neither of us having many, preferring instead the Continental and Latin American ilk. I said, "I simply adore Henry Miller!" She said, "Oh, the only American Surrealist."
I'm still thinking about that one. I don't see HM as being particularly Surreal, except in his illusion of automatic writing and intense psychologism. Still I see him as being a slave to the craft, not whimsical the way surrealists tend to be, and certainly not as disdainful of the real as the surrealists.
HM is exponential realism, coupled with impressionism. I guess I disagree with my acquaintance's assessment of HM, which leads me to believe that 1) she read that comment in some book of lit crit that I'll never find, and 2) that she's never, ever, read a single book by Henry Miller.
So I'm curling up in bed with "Quiet Days in Clichy" which begins with a rollicking sex scene, not the stuff that puts you to sleep. But a fabulous read. And inspiring.
Which isn't to say that what I write will be a HM redux. I just find his honesty refreshing, and I can only hope to achieve something mildly similar in my project.
Monday, October 27, 2008
C'mon Phils!
Right now, the Phillies are duking it out with Tampa Bay for their first World Series win since 1980... GO PHILLIES!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
For Democrats Who Are Fearful...
Found This Lying Around...

I bought this software *ages* ago, and thought that it wouldn't be compatible with XP, but it is! And last night I spent a good deal of time plotting out a story that seems to have all the right stuff.
My friends can never be allowed to see it though.
I just don't like other people reading my writing, especially since I'm looking at this as my first real go-round with the novel genre, and therefore this one's just for me.
More about the Writer's DreamKit soon.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I've Taken the Plunge...
...well, a girl must keep her secrets...
So, off we go!
Now, all I need is a freakin' PLOT!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Late Night Editing
It's nice to get back to writing, and all this editing (something I usually never do) is making me see where I've been led astray in my own work. It is one word, this villain, and it is the adverb!!! I abuse adverbs like "clearly" and "truly" and "broken-legged-ly"... meaning, I tend to make adverbs where there shouldn't be any.
Sad. I'm in my thirties and I still haven't disciplined my adverbs after so many admonitions by so many professors at the many many institutions I've attended.
I just spilled a cup of 7-11 Obama all over myself, but luckily not on the bedspread. I'm writing in bed tonight... not quite sure why when I have a perfectly good office waiting for me.
NaNoWriMo is still tempting me. I hear its siren song. Should I stuff my ears with wax so that I don't hear it anymore? Or is the song emerging... from inside?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Tightening Race?
The election nightmares continue.
Can this be over now?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thoughts at 3:30 a.m.
I'm starting to have dreams--hell, sometimes they're nightmares--about the election. Not just about Obama vs. McCain, but also about my friends in CA who are going to have to deal with the outcome on Prop 8, which would amend the constitution so as to ban same-sex marriage. Having a lot of friends to whom this would matter greatly, I am worried. But anyway.
Back to my insomnia: I don't know which I prefer--late night productivity or restless, nightmare-laden sleep.
Too much anxiety these days, way too much, in spite of having tied up a few loose ends that were bugging me.
As for the situation with the exbf, I found out through the grapevine that he is married now. Married! That puts him strictly off limits. Yes, strictly off limits. Sad. I really miss him. G. always made me laugh, and I could use some laughter these days, and not at the expense of Sarah Palin, although that kind of laughter is very very satisfying.
I know someone who is straight as an arrow but has a girl-crush on Tina Fey. God bless Tina Fey for lightening up this election season... although her imitation of S.P. has a way of drawing attention to the fact that she is totally unqualified for the post. She makes Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar.
How I miss Bill Clinton.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Why I Haven't Been Blogging About Diners
I'm not blogging about diners right now because I'm attempting, in a different way, to get to know my homeland--America--via the Internet. See who's out there, poking around in corners.
What I've found has disturbed me so much that I've been unable to blog about anything other than the election, really, with the exception of the occasional post about Stouffer's Mac n Cheese (in the freezer aisle, go buy some when you have a chance!)
We're so divided right now. We have been for so many years. Why can't we elect someone who would be a unifier? Plurality is the basis of this country, but apparently so is animosity. It's so hard to accept the plausibility of opposing views when you know you are right.
In the words of Rodney King, whose plea gathers more poignancy and pathos by the day: Can't we all just get along?
Apparently not. I hope and pray for a day when we stop judging each other and start learning to be kind to each other, and forgiving of each others' foibles and differing views.
What's to fear? A better society? A tolerant one?
I guess, in the end, it's just politics as usual.
How very, very sad.
And she wept.
Thoughts at 2 a.m.
I've got my insomnia on again, although I admittedly induced it by going to the 7-11 tonight for my 20 ounces of Obama. (Someday SpellCheck will recognize the word "Obama" and not underline it in red dots... Huh. It recognizes McCain. Odd.)
So other than screwing around with spell-check on Mozilla, what else am I doing? Well, principally I'm thinking about how lonely it is here now that I've alienated most of my old (former?) friends. Interesting to see my home town with eyes unencumbered by old alliances. But still very, very lonely.
So, I'm thinking about loneliness.
And then I start thinking about G., my ex, who lurks somewhere along the DC Beltway. Should I email him? I wonder. Or would that just be inviting Hell into my kitchen? I haven't heard from G. in close to four years, he may not even have the same email...
What's the policy on gratuitously starting shit up with ex-boyfriends? Do I get bad karma points for that?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Why is this in my sidebar???!!! I suppose they paid for it. From what I understand, out-of-state, right-wing conservative Christian interests are flooding California with money to overturn the state's ruling that the ban on same-sex marriage is discriminatory. (Rock on, Liberal Judges!!! Not that I have an opinion on this.)
As I've said in a previous post, this is a civil rights issue, not a MORAL issue (unless you construe morality as treating your fellow human beings with respect ) and the whole "judges-legislating-from-the-bench argument doesn't hold water either.
Well, this out-of-stater says to my former fellow Californians: Vote for Equality, Vote for Justice, VOTE NO ON PROP 8.
I think the best thing that I could do with NaBloPoMo November is blog about writing, about why I don't write, and what I would write if I had the gumption to actually do it.
I'm disappointed in my lack of courage with NaNoWriMo, especially since I got two very enthusiastic comments. Am I being a total wimp??? Speak out if you think so. Public opinion may still sway my vote.
Regardless, November NaBloPoMo will RAWK!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
VOTE: David Letterman or All of the American Media Pundits Combined?
McCain looked flustered, whiny, defensive about Sarah Palin. I'm sorry Mac, but having a VP whose credentials include having "served on the PTA" as one of her major qualifications does not inspire confidence.
And Letterman's crack about ObL--"Sure, 8 years later, let's go get him!" really made McCain trip up, because he almost missed it, and then didn't know how to respond.
The irony of all this is that the McPalin ticket talks about change even more than Senator Obama does. And that's an excellent strategy: rob the opponent of their most powerful weapon by co-opting it yourself. Excellent.
But it's the kind of thing that accrues some really bad Karma.
I vote that David Letterman conduct all presidential debates from now on. What do you think?
Here's the YouTube clip:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
VOTE: NaNoWriMo for DinerGirl?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Even-Keel Girl
...but with regard to that, my goodness! Some people have responded to me telling me to just chill, and some people have responded with "It-wasn't-about-YOU" logic, which is in essence... telling me to just chill. Which actually has succeeded in pissing me off even more.
Can't win with Off-Kilter Girl, it seems.
Even-Keel Girl, however, now she is not rattled by stuff like this.
I still think I did the right thing by sending the email, even if it was generally dismissed by my friends. My evil exbf from North Jersey who hates my HS friends with the fire of a thousand suns even told me to back off. "Take it easy on your friends," he said. "They're just kidding around!" And then he added as a p.s. "Besides, nobody's ever moved to Canada based on an election!"
Well, I just might! I think Canada would be good for me.
As it's shaping up, this place might not be...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
On Falling Asleep in the Bathtub
... why is the water cold?
I startle awake. I have fallen asleep in the bathtub, something my mother always warned me against. I get out of the tub, go into the kitchen and look at the clock on the microwave... I'd been asleep for 35 minutes. No dreams. My mind just turned itself off completely.
Lavender Bath Salts, how I love you!
Now going to bed.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hello, Economy, WTF???!!!
Instead of dreading any or all of these things, I have chosen to dread only one, and that is the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange.
I'll probably have some insomnia tonight-- I mean, it's already after 10 and I'm still drinking my 7-11 coffee, my fault really, and I will have no right to bitch about not sleeping tonight-- and I will spend that time watching the European markets to see what they do. Sarkozy of France, who I generally dislike-- gave an impressive speech about how the time of unregulated speculation, "c'est fini". Now if only our own country would man-up and put the Wall Street crooks in their place.
The credit markets are frozen, bad times are a'comin', and I can't look away from this train wreck.
Can you?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Well, That Oughta Do It.
I just got an offensive forward from one of my "friends" around here.
Here it is, done in the spirit of satire and parody, but laced with hatred, as per usual:
Subject: Fwd: Illegal immigration into Canada :)
My response follows below:
NOTE: If you haven't already, please read the attached forward below about "Illegal Immigration into Canada" before reading my message, so as to put my outrage in context.
Dear all:
As one of the few card-carrying liberals of this bunch, I can honestly say that a McCain-Palin presidency scares the hell out of me. And I can also say that the knee-jerk mocking of liberals in this email is downright offensive, although, I must admit, I've seen much worse out there in the blogosphere and sent to me by other friends and family. Liberals are not latte-sipping elitists; we're people who care about the direction of this country, believe in progress towards social and economic equality, and believe that no child should ever be abandoned to a government that has abandoned them. Justice. Equality. Freedom of thought. The principles of true democracy.
The social conservatism and foreign policy choices of McCain-Palin are frightening because both of them provoke the worst kind of xenophobic hatred among their supporters. Shouts of "Kill him!" and "Traitor!" and "Terrorist!" at GOP rallies only proves that there is much bad blood out there. Obama is not a terrorist. Not an Arab. Not a Muslim. I do applaud McCain for professing his respect for Obama, but the crowds' boos when he attempted to defend his opponent only show that you reap what you sow, and that it's far too late now to undo the divisive damage that they've (honestly, mostly Palin) gone about seeding. When we all have to live together, riling up anti-anyone sentiment in the out-for-blood way that they do is positively reckless, and, should Obama win, will come back to haunt everyone when this country disintegrates into a state of disunity. That will be the GOP legacy: a country more filled with vitriol and fear than during any other era in history, and yes, I'm including the '60s and '70s with their emblematic civil rights movements.
I'm on the job market this year, and am applying for two jobs in Canada, one in Vancouver and one in Calgary. Maybe I, too, will be part of the exodus that the below email parodies. Should I move to Canada, I'll be able to do the following things that the Neo-conservatives have continuously prevented me from doing: 1) I would have free health care so that I could actually afford the medications that I must take in order to remain firmly on this planet. Currently, I owe major thousands of $$ simply because my health care coverage as a graduate student has been so poor that for the last 6.5 years I've had to put my meds on my credit cards. $2000/year of prescription coverage. $6,000+ in expenses/year. You do the math. Universal health care? If you're healthy, I congratulate you. If you have a chronic illness like me, then well, to put it bluntly, then you're absolutel screwed. Scared universal health care is socialist? Look around you at the uninsured and impoverished and tell me then that capitalism is fair to those with less. Ideology is unimportant, and the Cold War is over. Everyone deserves the right to be healthy. 2) If I moved to Canada, I would have equal rights as a non-heterosexual and have the freedom to marry whomever I wish. Now I know some of you may oppose this on religious and/or moral"grounds, but let's put that aside for a minute and think secularly. (This is not a theocracy, after all. We *are*, contrary to all appearances, a secular nation that prizes the rights of each individual.) Are you really, *really* willing to deny any sort of right to a person based on what is essentially an issue that is none of the government's business? Would you do the same for a social class? For a racial group? No. Why is it so easy to do this to the queer community? Because we're different? Because we're "immoral"? Because we scare people with our fashion sense? It is precisely beyond unfair to legislate against a minority group *because* they're a minority group. I'm not saying you have to support or even agree with same-sex marriage. But the next time you voice your opposition, think of me and ask yourself if you'd really like to see me marginalized by the government in this, the 21st century. It's a civil rights issue, not a religious one, not a moral one. Oh, wait, yes it is moral... And the moral is to love your fellow human beings and be fair unto them. And finally, 3) I'd be able to travel to a foreign country without once having to explain the injustices of the electoral college, say ever again the words "I didn't vote for him", or feel guilty about how we squandered the world's goodwill poured out to us in the wake of 9/11. So many, many tragedies came out of that day.
I love my country very much, and it's because of that that I'm sending this to all of you. I'm not trying to get you to vote for Obama, that's not my point. I just wanted you to think about what "jokes" like this really mean to those of us who feel threatened by the government that's supposed to protect us all, not just some.
Thanks for listening.
If that doesn't drive a stake in the coffin of our friendship, I don't know what else will... Oh well, their loss.
Cackelacky Logic
We talked about the election. He's voting for McCain, because he thinks he's straightforward and won't "Rob Peter to Pay Paul", as he thinks Obama will do. So even if he agrees with Obama on social policy, apparently owning a house will make you vote for, essentially, the perception of better financial security.
As I don't own a house, I couldn't jump to the defense of Obama's economic policies. That and I know squat about economics in general.
Shamefully, especially since my friend lives in one of the most hotly contested battleground states in the union, I did not try to turn his head with my Most Heated Liberal Arguments. Instead I just kind of lay down and let him turn traitor. Why? Because I didn't want to push him any further to the right. It seems these days that that's all arguing over politics does--entrench people even further in their beliefs.
I went to hippie-dippie Montessori school until I was seven. In my hippie-dippie heaven, there was no gender, no race, no religion. It was *so* late-'70s nirvana. I have carried all those teachings with me ever since, and the school remains my imagined "happy place" when I see what's wrong with the world. I fit in well in San Liberal, where it seemed everyone lived in a hippie-dippie bubble.
Now that I'm back here, in the Red Part of a Blue State, I cling vehemently to my past, to my liberal views, but I've stopped trying to convert the McCainiacs. They'll just call me Pinko Commie Liberal. And I'll just call them Redneck Xenophobes.
God, I miss my friends in San Liberal. Not that they were open minded. They were not. It's just that their closed-mindedness I understood and agreed with. San Liberal is a bubble, though, and I'm learning more about what it *really* means to be an "Amercun" here in SJ.
I don't like what I see.
It's very lonely here these days. Just the writing and the working and the 'rents. Very little in the way of friends. And even less by way of dating.
Maybe I should call an ex-boyfriend or two. One is lurking outside of D.C. and another outside of N.Y.C.
Consider yourselves warned. ;-)
Friday, October 10, 2008
It's Accurate.
Who are you kidding you'll never fit in here. Just because you moved to the Shore house doesn't make you a local local. It takes a special kind of person to live here. You probably don't even drink the water.
South Jersey Quiz
Take More Quizzes
True, I don't fit in here. And considering that half of me is Californian, I have to say, this test is dead-on.
But here I am anyway.
The Madd(en)ing Crowd.
The fact that the GOP has whipped up the troops into a frenzied hatred of Obama strikes me as being more than reckless in the face of what could potentially be an Obama win. Disrespecting the opponent in such an irresponsible way just seeds further divisiveness on the whole, and can only lead to disaster in the long run, especially if the Dems win.
I'm thinking now of how much I've come to resent Bush and his cronies, not to mention his social conservatism and general ideological platform... But I can't imagine ever shouting things to the tune of "kill him!" or "off with his head!" or even "traitor!", mostly because that kind of thinking represents only the basest and most violent tendencies of our (animal) behavior.
The xenophobia that appears to be the lifeblood of the Republicans these days scares the hell out of me. This is barely concealed racism. In the case of calling Obama a terrorist, it is out-and-out racism, just not in the form that we were expecting, tying Obama to a religion (one that he doesn't profess, by the way) rather than to his skin color. But at the end of the day it's the same thing: they just don't want the guy who's "different" to be their president.
I used to respect McCain for being a different kind of Republican. I used to buy the "maverick" tag line. But his choice of Palin and the way he's been running his campaign has destroyed my trust in him, just as surely as for the other side his camp has made it impossible for nearly half the country to ever trust Obama.
Unwise policy when we all have to live together.
I am frightened.
Sorry for the cop-out post last night
That and the utter appreciation of Stouffer's Mac n Cheese.
So, I looked at the map at and was dismayed to notice that overnight, NC had swayed into Barely Republican territory, and Missouri went from Barely Dem to Exactly Tied. I don't know what caused the shift, but it's scaring me a little. Something must've happened in the news that I'm not aware of, since I'm boycotting TV.
"McCain needs a game-changer." "McCain has to stop the hemmorrhaging of his campaign." Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that he's doing it? That somehow he's finding a way to play dirty pool and shift things in his direction? Is it the Ayers thing? Is it the low-down-dirty pool he's playing? I've never seen a nastier campaign. Please don't let McCain swift-boat Obama!
I had a dream Obama won, and there was such joy in me that I was virtually bursting at the seams.
I hope it's a premonition.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Can't Sleep, Can't Write
I don't know what it is that's keeping me awake tonight. I tried to write something somewhat meaningful, but fell back on blogging instead. Blogging and going outside to smoke in the street that's always deserted. (Smoking = Bad For Me, I know. It's on it's way out. Of course, I've been saying that for three years now.)
Anyway, I can't sleep. Apparently I can't blog either, because nothing's coming to me at all now. I had some great idea about blogging about where I went to college, and then I thought, no, I need to save that for some sort of memoir, and then I thought about all the troubles with memoir in the U.S. right now, and thought more about whether I really want to participate in the perpetuation of a genre that's based on self indulgence, when I do enough of that here, with the blog.
Things that make you go "Hmm..."
Christ, the lady upstairs is vacuuming right now, and it's barely even dawn. I've been up all night. How glorious.
Going out to catch the sunrise.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
It Only Took Eight Years, But...

I am so angry at Bush, who is essentially acting like a Deadbeat Dad to this country. I've never been angrier. There is no leadership in Washington right now. NONE.
This election cannot come soon enough.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ode to 7-11
“Hello, Lady, Long Time No See You!”
I’m in here every day
just not when you’re working
but I must admit
I enjoy our 3 a.m.
discussions in broken English,
mine shattered through exhaustion,
yours still incomplete
after your long journey.
I came for my Obama cup
for the 7-Election
Your brilliant marketing ploy
to get out the vote.
I came for Spaghetti-O’s
I came for Fruit Cocktail,
Muscle Milk,
Stouffer’s frozen Mac ‘n Cheese
and Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.
But most of all I came
for your coffee,
your Dark Mountain Roast,
your high-test,
keep me awake
elixir that tastes like
Where’s my Obama cup?
I want it to be
worth something
Monday, October 6, 2008
Really? Biker Poetry?
What did I find?
A reading for Biker Poetry.
As interesting as this looks-- and believe it or not, I do have a poem I could read there, if only it were open mic-- I am going to have to say my usual "WHA WHA WHAAAAAT?" to that, because I had no idea that Bridgeton was a place where Bikers like to hang and rev their engines and wax eloquent about the road.
Man, I bet that reading would be fabulous!
Too bad I can't go.
And I would include my "Sturgis" poem here, but I have a rule about publishing poetry on Teh Interwebs, as in, I don't do it. Too paranoid.
But, hey, cheers to the Bikers of Bridgeton, NJ. May Rte. 47 always be well-paved and humble.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Anyway, at the 7-11 there was a sign out front for the "7-Election": "Every Cup Counts" it said.

Wow. If you click on the above picture it will take you to the 7-Election site, where you can see how the candidates are doing in your state. To my absolute horror, the John McCain coffee cup is winning in New Jersey. Whaaaaaat? That's not supposed to happen in a Blue State! I fear cup tampering! At least in Delaware, it's 63% in favor of Obama.
The 7-Election. Would that it were so easy.
(P.S. For the opposing viewpoint of a cup-carrying McCain supporter, click HERE. I love a good debate.)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Poetry on the Foam
It was a beautiful day here so I opened my windows and read for some long hours, all sorts of poetry, the kind that makes me weep.
Ever since I was a child, poetry has had the capacity to make me feel both wounded and exalted by beauty at the same time. It's an excruciating, piercing sensation, when some metric taps out the rhythm of your own heart, when words on the page seem to seep into your skin.
The foam mattress was positively tinny, pounded thin by over 20 years of wear. I think my friends and I used to sleep on these same mattresses back in high school. So, lying there, reading Baudelaire, I thought of my own little "fleurs du mal" -- the peccadilloes of youth that seem so grand and tragic at the time, that really end up being nothing.
The beauty of that, though, is that when they happen, those tiny traumas between friends, they feel so immense, and it's only 15 years later, lying on the same foam upon which you fell from grace, that they shrink to become gems, the anecdotes you will tell for the rest of your life.
Raining in San Liberal
Winter-Spring-FIRE!-Fall: the four seasons of San Liberal.
I'm homesick for it tonight, sitting here smoking in my apartment, trying to come up with some sort of idea for NaNoWriMo. The electrochemistry novel won't work--too much research. I have to find something else to write about, besides the old axiom of "writing what I know".
Although, it could be said I know San Liberal.
But I think that would be too painful.
I left someone behind there.
More on that some other time.
I also know Hometown, NJ. I could write about this place, this disappearing place, getting eaten up by suburbia in spite of the housing crisis. At the county fair grounds, there's a bench with an engraving that says "Save Our Land". I have a picture in black and white of a young agrarian with strong arms, back to the camera, leaning against that bench. It moves me to tears when I look at it. Not even the strongest arms can keep out the developers.
Smoked my last cigarette. Maybe I should try quitting.
Going to stop rambling now.
I'm imagining the sound of rain on the pavement, the damp California air, the fog, all floating through my open window as I lie tangled in the arms of my (now former) lover.
I'll never get to sleep tonight.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Winning By Not Losing = Garbage!
"Well, she didn't really answer the questions posed by the moderator, but she was snappy!"
"She brought that down-home feel to the debates."
What?? Again, WHAT?
Isn't the point of a debate to answer the questions? And do we really, do we really, want someone "just like us" in the White House? Methinks, we've already had that. It didn't work out so well.
So, all this b.s. about how Palin won simply by exceeding the expectations set for her is just pure garbage.
Joe Biden won, plain and simple...
In other news, I decided to "watch" the debate last night via Twitter commentary, now that I finally have wireless in my sad little apartmen on Bad Rep Street. I later watched commentary and saw snippets here and there, watching some downloads on my computer. Did she really say Senator O'Biden? Did she also really say, "John McCain is the person we need to leave, uh... I mean lead."
Some guy on PBS said that Sarah Palin stanched the flow of the hemmorrhaging McCain campaign, but I doubt it.
Back to Twitter. Second-hand commentary is so much more illuminating, especially when it comes from the technocracy rather than the theocracy.
You don't think we have a theocracy in America?
Think again.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I know that it's very common for women in their 20s and 30s to be breeding out the wazoo, but, wow, I really did not realize that it was expected of me to have some little larval creature cooing in my arms before I got my first gray hair. (In that case, I would have had to have had a baby before my 26th birthday, when my stepmother noticed a streak in my locks, pointed it out to me over my birthday cake and cackled.)
Here's how I feel about children, after 7 years in San Liberal, where also, breeders abound, but so do greeners: Not having a baby is the Greenest thing you can do. Think of all the diapers, the bottles, the nappies, the binkies, all the things that can't be recycled that come along for the ride, and anyone has to admit that there's a lot of stuff going into the ground that won't ever, ever lose its form and return to the earth.
So I stay righteous about my decision not to have children. But...
Then I see the happiness (and loving exhaustion) in their eyes and I wonder if I'm not missing out on something. Of course, not being married, or having a partner, having a child would be a little, shall we say, exotic at this point, if not plain stupid considering my salary at the moment. And the fact that I'm an unstable writer chick who can't even care for a pet fish! (Gotta go to Fish 'n Stuff and get a new one. I like having another consciousness around me, even if it is a simple Betta consciousness.)
But anyway, babies. I was raised to feel that I would be incomplete as a woman if I didn't have babies, and no matter how strongly I feel about not bearing any children from my own womb, I still feel its emptiness from time to time. Don't know what that's about.
So I'll enjoy everyone else's children, even though kids make me nervous as hell--what if they don't like me? What if I break the baby???" Dunno what that's about.
Maybe I should write a story about this choice I've made, and about being around people I love who have made the opposite choice.
Or maybe I should write about how, even though I'm here, back where they are, none of them choose to call me... at least not a lot.
I've Got Hope!
I've been refraining from the whole "Got Hope?" thing, because I'm a natural pessimist, and the proliferation of McCain-Palin signs in Hometown were giving me the willies. But after seeing this, wow! Do I ever have hope!
Tonight is the Vice-Presidential debate, and being a South Jersey girl, I often feel like Joe Biden represents me more than... uh... whoever the current NJ Senators are. (Sad that I don't remember their names, but what can a girl do?)
I'm concerned that Joe Biden will be crucified for "sexism" in whatever he chooses to say to Sarah Palin, who seems to be able to get away with abusive, condescending, belittling mockery of Obama simply because she, too, represents an "exceptional" ticket--i.e., she's a woman.
Just leave identity politics out of it, everyone, rise above the fray.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
NaBloPoMo October
So, this month's topic is "VOTE". Alright. Here's my sitchy:
I live deep in the belly of NJ, a red county in a blue state. My father's cousin is a great big bigot that somehow got my email address and sends me horrible emails about how Obama is a Muslim, how he is unpatriotic, and other random b.s. about putting up a fence between the U.S. and Mexico to keep the undesirable immigrants out. To which I say, I hope you're enjoying that South Jersey tomato, Cousin Charlie. Wanna know who picked it?
Today, interestingly enough I saw a Prius in Hometown, NJ. A Prius--rare in these parts--with a McCain sticker on the back. Wha-wha-whaaat? One of these things is not like the other.
So, I'm thinking about heading down to Obama HQ and seeing if I can help out in winning the election so that it can put people like Cousin Charlie in their right place. Not because of his politics--I respect conservatives even though I don't agree with them. But I cannot abide his xenophobic and reactionary, nonsensical vitriol that holds less water than a slotted spoon.
The debate is tomorrow. I'm going to go to Local Bar and watch, if there's no Eagles game on. If the Eagles are playing, then there's no hope to see Biden tap dance around Sarah Palin's gender; train wreck of a moron that she is, everything that Biden does will be scrutinized for condescention and sexism.
Go, Joe! South Jersey believes in you! (Or at least this SJ Diner Girl does!)